What to Do if Your Turkish Residence Permit Application Is Rejected

If your Turkish Residence Permit application is rejected, it can be a daunting experience. The application process is complex, and there are several requirements and documents to submit. However, if your application is rejected, there are steps you can take to address the issue. This article aims to guide you through the process of handling a rejected Turkish Residence Permit application.

Firstly, it’s important to understand the specific reasons behind the rejection. The Turkish Directorate General of Migration Management will send you a rejection letter, which will explain the reasons for the rejection and provide guidance on further actions you can take. You should carefully review this rejection letter to identify the specific issues that led to the rejection of your application.

There are common reasons for rejection, including insufficient, incorrect, or fake documentation; inadequate financial means; public health threat or criminal record; violation of Turkish immigration rules; national security or public order concerns; applying from a closed neighborhood, or applying for a touristic residence permit for the first time.

After addressing the issue(s) that led to the rejection of your application, you have three options: submitting a new application after 6 months, appealing the decision, or exploring other visa options. If you decide to submit a new application, make sure to prepare a new application with the corrected documentation and information. If you appeal the decision, you need to work with a lawyer and file a claim to the court. If you explore other visa options, you may be eligible for a different type of residence permit, such as a work permit, student residence permit, property residence permit, Turkish Language Course residence permit, or business residence permit.

It’s crucial to seek professional advice if you need assistance with your application or appeal. An immigration attorney can provide guidance on the best course of action and help you navigate the complex Turkish immigration system.

In conclusion, a rejected Turkish Residence Permit application can be discouraging, but there are options available to you. By understanding the reasons for rejection and taking appropriate action, you may still be able to achieve your goal of residing in Turkey.