Turquoise Card Application and Requirements

Turquoise Card is a program offered by Turkey to attract highly skilled and qualified foreign workers, investors, scientists, researchers, artists, sportsmen, and cultural ambassadors to the country. The card is granted based on certain criteria, such as the individual’s education level, professional experience, contribution to science and technology, and the impact of their activities or investment in Turkey. The program is administered by the Ministry of National Education, and the International Labor Policy Advisory Board makes recommendations for the program. To apply for a Turquoise Card, individuals must meet certain requirements and submit a variety of documentation, including proof of education, work experience, and financial resources. The application process and required documents may change and it is not available yet. The Turquoise Card holder will have the rights provided by the indefinite work permit (long-term residence permit) and will enjoy many benefits such as the rights granted to Turkish citizens, except for the right to vote, hold public office, or be obligated to do military service. Family members of Turquoise Card holders also receive a document proving their relation, which can be used as a valid residence permit in Turkey.

Turquoise Card is a program offered by Turkey to attract foreign investment and highly qualified individuals to the country. The program allows individuals to apply for Turkish citizenship in exchange for meeting certain requirements such as a high level of education, professional experience, or investment in the country. The program is administered by the Ministry of National Education and the International Labor Policy Advisory Board. To be eligible for the Turquoise Card, individuals must meet certain requirements such as a minimum real estate investment of $250,000, a clean criminal record, proof of sufficient income or financial resources, health insurance coverage, and a minimum of 60 days of continuous stay in Turkey during the past year. The process for obtaining the Turquoise Card involves completing the application process, obtaining a temporary residence permit, and waiting for citizenship approval. The benefits and rights of the Turquoise Card holder include the rights provided by an indefinite work permit, as well as the rights of the spouse and dependent children of the cardholder. The application process and requirements for the Turquoise Card are subject to change and may be updated by the General Directorate.