Skills That Turkish Companies Are Looking For in Foreign Employees

Turkish companies may be searching for a diverse set of abilities and qualifications, depending on the industry and job position. Some key skills that could be in high demand include:

  • Proficiency in both Turkish and English to communicate with local and international clients and partners
  • Strong leadership and management capabilities
  • Specific technical knowledge and skills
  • Exceptional communication and interpersonal abilities
  • Adept problem-solving and critical thinking skills
  • Flexibility and adaptability to changing environments
  • A strong ability to work well in teams and contribute to a positive work culture.

To enhance their chances of being employed by international companies abroad, foreign employees may consider the following:

  • Acquiring relevant education and experience through degrees, certifications, internships, or projects
  • Improving language proficiency in a language other than their native language
  • Showcasing intercultural communication skills
  • Highlighting their ability to adjust to new cultures and environments
  • Developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills through courses or workshops
  • Emphasizing their flexibility and adaptability in their resume and during the interview process.