Turquoise Card

Discover the Benefits of Turquoise Card

We offer advisory services for the application of the Turquoise Card. The foreigners can qualify for a Turquoise card and get working rights in Turkey.

What is Turquoise Card?

In line with the international labor policy; Turquoise Card is given to foreigners according to:

  • their education level
  • professional experience
  • contribution to science and technology
  • the impact of their activity or investment in Turkey
  • the recommendations of the International Labor Policy Advisory Board
  • the procedures and principles determined by the Ministry.

According to the provisions of the legislation, the spouse and dependent children of the Turquoise Card holder foreigner are given a document that proves that they are a relative of the Turquoise Card holder. They can use it as a valid residence document in Turkey. In addition, the Turquoise Card holder benefits from the rights provided by the indefinite work permit.

What are the required documents for Turquoise Card Application?

The required documents for the Turquoise Card Application:

a) Application form

b) A copy of the foreigner’s passport or the document surrounding the passport

c) The relevant public and appropriate certificate of conformity, if required

d) Other documents (the documents that show the qualification of the applicant):

1) For qualified workforce: Diploma, job contract, CV, assignment, experience, language qualifications, etc

2) For investor: Documents showing the investment size, employment, export amount, financial capacity, sectoral information

3) For a scientist or researcher: Diploma, academic career and title, academic studies or license, trademark or patent documents

4) For artists and sportsment: Documents showing the international success and achievements of the applicant

5) For cultural ambassadors: Documents showing the contribution to Turkish culture, artistic works, duration, sustainability, and area of ​​influence

The General Directorate is authorized to change the required documentation, add or change the documents listed above. These changes are to be published on the internet of the Directorate.

A valid residence permit is not required for new Turquoise Card applications in Turkey. A valid stay right with passport is enough.

Who can receive Turquoise Card?

The general conditions for receiving the Turquoise Card are given below:

  • Considered as a highly qualified workforce in terms of education level, wage, professional knowledge and experience, contribution to science and technology and similar qualifications
  • Considered as a highly qualified investor in terms of investment or export level, size of employment to be provided, contribution to scientific and technological development and similar features
  • A scientist or researcher who contributes to scientific and technological development or conducts studies and researches in the fields of science, industry and technology that are considered strategic for the benefit of the country at the international level
  • Successful at the international level in terms of cultural, artistic or sports activities
  • Contributing to the international recognition or promotion of Turkey or Turkish culture, acting at international level in matters related to Turkey’s national interests

How can I apply for Turquoise Card?

According to our discussion with the General Directorate in July 2022, the applicaiton procedure is not published yet. They are considering creating an online application system. However, the applicaiton procedure and method is not clear yet. We will update this section when the application procedure is shared.

Assessment of Turquoise Card Application

There is a point-based evaluation system. If an applicant has more points than the threshold level, they can the turquoise card.

Benefits and Rights of Turquoise Card

1) Turquoise Card holder will have the rights provided by the indefinite work permit (long-term residence permit). In other words, it benefits from the rights granted to Turkish citizens; except the right to elect, be elected, to enter public office, obligation to do military service.

In addition, according to the provisions of the legislation, the spouse and dependent children of the cardholder foreigner are given a document showing that they are a relative of the cardholder and they can use that paper as residence permit.

2)Thanks to the turquoise card issued in your name, you can work under an employer in Turkey, or you have the right to work independently.

3) Turquoise Card also offers you multiple entry and exit rights to Turkey.

4)Your transactions regarding subjects such as residence, travel, investment, commercial activity, inheritance, movable and immovable property in Turkey are carried out in accordance with the legislation applicable to Turkish citizens.

5)Within the scope of the first paragraph of the 12th article of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901, you have the right to apply for Turkish citizenship when you complete the required steps.

Contact Us

Professional Advisory

Gordion Partners is a professional investment and immigration advisory for foreigners in Turkey. Our professional legal and investment team will assist you to complete your procedures according to the latest regulations.

Qualified Foreigners

Turquoise Card is given to qualified foreigners and it gives great benefits for your stay in Turkey. You can contact us to learn more about the Turquoise Card program and to apply for it.

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Contact our immigration and investment advisors before investing in Turkey!