INAD Inadmissable Passnegers and Deportees in Turkey

A person who is prohibited from boarding a flight or entering Turkey due to immigration or security reasons is referred to as an inadmissible passenger or a denied boarding passenger. Reasons for inadmissibility in Turkey can vary, but common causes include having an invalid travel document, having a criminal record, being on a government watchlist, or being deemed a security risk. The Directorate General of Migration Management is the main entity responsible for determining the admissibility of travelers in Turkey. Before a passenger is allowed to board an aircraft, airlines will review the passenger’s travel documents and compare them to immigration and security databases to determine their admissibility. If a passenger is found to be inadmissible, the airline must deny them boarding. It is worth noting that Turkey has implemented a strict visa policy for many countries. Therefore, travelers must have a valid visa before arriving in Turkey and must meet specific criteria to obtain one, such as having sufficient financial means, a place to stay, a valid reason to visit, and a valid return ticket. To prevent being classified as an inadmissible passenger, travelers should:

  • Ensure that their passport is valid and that they have any required visas or entry permits before arriving in Turkey.
  • Be familiar with the immigration and security requirements of Turkey and any specific requirements or restrictions that may apply to them as a traveler.
  • Disclose any past criminal convictions or issues and check the specific requirements and restrictions that may apply to them.
  • Research the country they’re visiting and be aware of the regulations and laws regarding denied boarding or entry. If a traveler is deemed inadmissible, they will be denied boarding and will be given an Inadmissibility Report which details the reason for their denial. They may also be responsible for arranging for their return to their country of origin. If a traveler believes they have been incorrectly classified as an inadmissible passenger, they have the right to appeal the decision by submitting a request for a review to the relevant immigration or security agency, such as the Directorate General of Migration Management. However, the process and outcome of the appeal will vary based on the agency and the reasons behind the inadmissibility. It is important to note that the process of appealing a decision of inadmissibility can be complex and time-consuming, and it is recommended that the traveler seek legal or professional advice to ensure that their appeal is properly prepared and submitted. In summary, as a passenger, it is important to be aware of the immigration and entry requirements of Turkey, have all necessary travel documents, comply with security measures, disclose any past criminal convictions or issues, research the country you are visiting, and seek legal or professional advice if you think you may have issues with the immigration or security authorities. Being classified as an inadmissible passenger can cause significant inconvenience and disruption to a passenger’s travel plans, therefore it is best to take necessary steps to minimize the risk of being denied boarding or entry.