How to Pay Overstay Fees in Turkey

Individuals who remain in Turkey beyond the permitted time frame of their visa are subject to a fine known as the visa overstay penalty. The amount of this penalty can vary based on the length of the overstay and the individual’s country of citizenship. To avoid additional penalties such as deportation or a ban on returning to Turkey, it is crucial to pay any outstanding overstay fines as soon as possible. There are a few options available to pay the overstay fee in Turkey. One option is to pay the fee in person at a Turkish embassy or consulate in your home country.

Another option is to pay the fee online at the immigration office at the airports or on land borders. Additionally, it is possible to pay the overstay fee in person at the Department of Immigration and Passports (Göç İdaresi Müdürlüğü) in major cities throughout the country, such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. It is important to note that the amount of the overstay fee will depend on the length of the overstay and the individual’s country of citizenship, and that certain types of overstay fees may need to be paid through other authorities.

In summary, the visa overstay penalty in Turkey is a fine imposed on individuals who stay in the country beyond their permitted time frame. It is important to pay this fine as soon as possible to avoid additional penalties such as deportation or a ban on returning to Turkey. The overstay fee can be paid in person at a Turkish embassy or consulate, online at the immigration office at the borders, or in person at the Department of Immigration and Passports. The 90 days out of 180 days stay rule is a policy that applies to foreign citizens who are traveling to Turkey on a tourist or short-term business visa. It allows these individuals to stay in the country for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. This means that if a foreign citizen enters Turkey on a tourist or short-term business visa, they can stay in the country for up to 90 days within a 180-day period, after which they must leave the country and wait at least 90 days before returning. It is important to note that the 90 days out of 180 days stay rule applies to the total number of days spent in Turkey, regardless of the number of visits made.

For example, if a foreign citizen enters Turkey on a tourist visa and stays for 30 days, then leaves and re-enters the country 30 days later, they have used up 60 days of their 90-day stay allowance. If they stay for another 30 days, they will have used up the full 90 days of their allowance and will be required to leave the country for at least 90 days before returning. Visa violation in Turkey refers to a foreign citizen staying in the country beyond the allowed time period or engaging in activities that are not permitted under their visa. This can include working without a work permit, engaging in activities that are not in line with the purpose of the visa (e.g. studying without a student visa), or staying in the country beyond the allowed time period. If foreign citizen is found to be in violation of their visa, they may be fined, deported, and banned from returning to Turkey. It is important to carefully review the terms and conditions of your visa and to adhere to them in order to avoid any potential problems.

In conclusion, the 90 days out of 180 days stay rule is a policy that applies to foreign citizens traveling to Turkey on a tourist or short-term business visa. It allows these individuals to stay in the country for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. Visa violation in Turkey refers to a foreign citizen staying in the country beyond the allowed time period or engaging in activities that are not permitted under their visa. If a foreign citizen is found to be in violation of their visa, they may be fined, deported, and banned from returning to Turkey. It’s important to be aware of the rules and regulations and to adhere to them in order to avoid any potential problems.