How to Get Business Residence Permit with Business Visa in Turkey

If you’re an entrepreneur or investor considering doing business in Turkey, it’s important to understand the process of obtaining a Business Residence Permit with a Business Visa. In this article, we will guide you through the necessary steps, requirements, and important considerations when applying for this type of visa and residence permit.

First, you need to apply for a Business Visa, which is designed for foreigners who plan to visit Turkey for business-related purposes, such as attending meetings, conferences, or establishing a business. To do this, you need to prepare the necessary documents, submit the visa application at the nearest Turkish consulate or embassy in your home country, pay the visa application fee, and wait for the visa decision.

Once you have arrived in Turkey with your Business Visa and decided to establish a business or invest in the country, you must apply for a Business Residence Permit. This requires registering on the e-Residence system, completing the online application form, and attending an appointment to submit the required documents, which include the residence permit application form, a valid passport and copy of your Business Visa, biometric photos, proof of health insurance coverage, proof of sufficient financial means, a rental contract or proof of accommodation, receipt of residence permit tax and card fee, and documentation related to your business.

It’s important to keep in mind that your Business Residence Permit allows you to reside in Turkey for the purpose of conducting business activities but does not permit you to work for another employer. The initial permit is usually valid for one year but can be extended based on the success and performance of your business. If you plan to hire employees, make sure to comply with Turkish labor laws and regulations.

By carefully preparing all the required documents and following the application processes accurately, you can successfully obtain a Business Residence Permit with a Business Visa in Turkey. We wish you success in your business endeavors and a prosperous future in Turkey.